
The Difficulty of Bursting Bubbles


I have been teaching at the collegiate level for almost two decades. One of the biggest challenges I now face compared to years ago is social media’s toxic influence on students. The rampant misinformation on many platforms has warped students’ understanding of history and has caused lasting damage.  read more »

New Panic Over Farmlands


The Department of Agriculture’s latest Census of Agriculture has generated new fears about “disappearing farm lands.” The census found that the United States had 22 million (2.8 percent) fewer acres of farm lands in 2022 than in 2017  read more »

Teachers Unions Have Turned Our Schools into Woke Brainwashing Camps


You have to be utterly delusional – or a member of a teacher’s union – to think that the US education system isn’t a total disaster. The most recent National Assessments of Educational Progress (NAEP, or “The Nation’s Report Card”) found barely a quarter of students are proficient in reading, geography and American history.  read more »


Why Are Americans Becoming More Stupid?


“The empires of the future are the empires of the mind,” said Winston Churchill. And judging by the state of education in America, it seems both of those empires could soon crumble.  read more »


The Remote Work Revolution


Although remote work was increasing modestly before the pandemic, we are now enmeshed into what can be fully considered a “remote work revolution.  read more »

"Electrify Everything" Slammed Again By Ninth Circuit


The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has cranked up the heat on the “electrify everything” foolishness.  read more »


Globalists are Using Green Energy to Destroy Our Way of Life


In 10 years before the proverbial 2035 date when many mandated transitions to “green electricity” occur to reduce or eliminate the usage of fossil fuels  read more »

CounterPunch's Strange Claims Regarding Nuclear Power


There's likely no energy source that faces more criticism, hatred and counter-propaganda than nuclear power.  read more »

The Road to Autocracy


Ernst Nolte’s Three Faces of Fascism examined the three devastating ideologies that led to the undermining of European democracy in the 1930s. Today, democratic life is also under threat – and there are also three basic forms that this authoritarian threat takes.  read more »

Property: The Myth That Built the World


Joel Kotkin reviews the recently released book, Property: The Myth That Built the World, by Rowan Moore. The review is excerpted below:  read more »