
California Jobs: A Multi-Dimensional Problem


“From the Beginning, California promised much. While yet barely a name on the map, it entered American awareness as a symbol of renewal. It was a final frontier: of geography and of expectation.”
— Kevin Starr, “Americans and the California Dream, 1850-1915” (1973)  read more »

California 2022: 400,000 Leave, Yolo County Grows the Most


California continues to lose population, according to the latest State Department of Finance estimates for the year ended July 2022.  read more »

California: Most Urban and Densest Urban State


The 2020 Census reveals California to have both the highest urban population density and the highest urbanization share of total population among the states.  read more »

How the California Dream Became a Nighmare


For Americans, California once looked like the future. It was a state defined by risk-taking and utopian dreaming. Yet for most Californians today, the upward mobility so central to the state’s ethos is rapidly disappearing.  read more »

Living up to the "Left Coast" Name


The “left coast” mostly lived up to its name during the midterms, though occasional signs of dissent could be seen. In California, Governor Gavin Newsom won big, and the GOP saw no major statewide successes.  read more »

Housing Affordability in California: Part 2 — Urban Land Markets


Harvard’s William Alonso showed that the value of residential land tends to increase from the rural uses on the urban fringe1 to centers of economic activity, such as central business districts.2  read more »

The California Headquarters Exodus Continues


A new Hoover Institution (Stanford University) report indicates that California continues to shed corporate headquarters locations to other states.  read more »

Housing Affordability in California: Part 1 — The Situation


There is probably no issue more requiring resolution in California than poor housing affordability. It is a threat to the preservation of the middle-class and the competitiveness of the state.  read more »

California Governor Newsom Just Getting Started with Green Energy


California Governor Newsom became further convinced that voters continue to support his bizarre energy policies when they defeated the 2021 California gubernatorial recall election on September 14, 2021, thus keeping the incumbent elected for the term January 2019 to January 2023.  read more »

California's History of Water Discrimination


In 1976, my ethnically diverse, working-class county where blue-collar union households worked in factories and refineries, owned homes and sent their kids to college, agreed to string a 6-mile long fire hose across the Richmond Bridge to supply water to California's wealthiest and whitest county.  read more »