Kamala Harris is oblivious to humanity’s addiction to oil as she is to these two basic facts:
1. No one uses crude oil in its raw form. “Big Oil” only exists because of humanity’s addiction to the products and fuels made from oil.
2. “Renewables” only exist to generate occasional electricity; they CANNOT make products or fuels.
In a world Kamala wants to be dominated by wind turbines and solar panels, to generate occasional electricity whenever the wind blows or the sun shines, there will be nothing to “electrify” as there will be nothing that needs electricity.
Kamala does not understand that everything that needs electricity is made with petrochemicals manufactured from crude oil, coal, or natural gas, from the light bulb to the iPhone, defibrillator, computers, spacecraft, and medications.
The elephant in the room that Harris refuses to discuss is that crude oil is the foundation of our materialistic society, as it is the basis of all products and fuels demanded by the 8 billion now on this planet.
Ridding the world of raw crude oil before we have a replacement to produce the oil derivatives currently manufactured from crude oil would send us back to the 1800s.
The greatest threat to the world’s populations could be the future of billions of people’s existence and prosperity without those oil derivatives that currently support more than 6,000 products for society.
Shockingly, Kamala, parents, teachers, students, policymakers, and those in the media have no clue or understanding about the basis of the products in our daily lives from crude oil! Energy Literacy at its worst!
Kamala, armed with her LACK of Energy Literacy, continues her pursuit to eliminate the only known sources of the products that are supporting modern lifestyles and economies around the world.
Looking back at the history of the petroleum industry, it illustrates that black, cruddy-looking crude oil was virtually useless unless it could be manufactured (refineries) into oil derivatives, which are now the basis of chemical products, such as plastics, solvents, and medications, that are essential for supporting modern lifestyles.
Read the rest of this piece at America Out Loud.
Ronald Stein is an engineer, senior policy advisor on energy literacy for the Heartland Institute and CFACT, and co-author of the Pulitzer Prize nominated book "Clean Energy Exploitations."
Photo: courtesy America Out Loud.