
COVID Deaths & High Urban Population Densities (October 5 Update)

The Figures below provide an update through October 5, 2020 to the relationship between county urban densities and COVID-19 death rates.  read more »

Relearning the lessons of 1919 in 2020

More than 100 years ago, a worldwide pandemic moved from China to the entire Western World through in-sourced low wage labor, according to the research of one historian. As the Allies fought WWI, farmers were going to war, and as Napoleon said, “An army marches on its stomach.”  read more »

Urban Life and Pandemics

Pandemics have always been the enemy of dense, urban life. Cities, where people live in close quarters and mix with people from other places, are ideal breeding grounds for contagions. So far, by contrast, there have been comparatively few coronavirus infections in the vast middle of the United States, particularly in the rural reaches.  read more »

Where to Obtain Coronavirus Data

Various internet sites are now providing up to date information on the coronavirus at the international level. Two sources are described below:  read more »