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America Needs to Reestablish its World-leading Manifestation of Nuclear Generated Electricity


American ingenuity advanced nuclear technology to a world-class innovation to benefit all. Interestingly, the methods used in the rest of the world are copies of the American innovations.  read more »


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Why Call It "The Rust Belt"?


There’s a question I get every so often in social media – “why do you use the term “Rust Belt”?“ Usually it comes from people who live in the region, who dislike the term and wish for some kind of rebranding. I agree. But what’s better?  read more »

How Sydney CBD Became a Capital of Luxury Urbanity


With a great deal of success, urban development elites have been able to sustain the illusion that Central Business Districts or downtowns are still the functional metropolitan centres they were five decades ago.  read more »

America First Can't Be America Alone


Like others, Canadians now know there’s a new sheriff in town, and he’s neither polite nor gentle. The question is how to co-exist with a raging bully  read more »

Climate Change, Insurance, and the LA Fires


Scientific American blames the Los Angeles fires on climate change. A Yale University publication agrees.  read more »

The Return of American Class Politics


In his farewell address, mere days before leaving the White House, Joe Biden made a dramatic intervention. Warning about how an oligarchy of “extreme wealth, power and influence” risked the basic rights of every citizen, he even suggested it could threaten American democracy itself.  read more »


Rust Belt Expatriates And The Diaspora


So the Super Bowl is set, and the Detroit Lions are not in it.

It was tough watching my Detroit Lions go down two weekends ago  read more »

Growing with Energy


Energy is vitally important for economic growth, particularly those forms of energy that can be used for planned power delivery. It is evident for example that Germany is currently suffering from the past decisions to shut down rather than upgrade nuclear energy.  read more »

Trumps Assault on DEI Will Bring Us Closer to a Post-Racial America


It’s hard to picture Donald Trump as a civil-rights hero in the mould of Abraham Lincoln or even Lyndon Johnson. Yet through his orders to dismantle the ubiquitous regime of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), he may have accelerated America’s evolution into a post-racial society.  read more »

