
The New Green Feudalism


With the 2024 election looming on the horizon, the Democratic Party faces a contradiction. By some important measures, the US economy is booming—third-quarter GDP growth figures were recently adjusted upward to a whopping 5.2 percent—but these numbers aren’t translating into political support for the current administration.  read more »

Joe Biden Should Listen to Republicans on the Border Crisis


Perhaps no issue has damaged the Biden presidency more than the massive incursions of undocumented migrants across the border.  read more »

Why Can't We Have a Populism That Builds?


Nayib Bukele, president of El Salvador, became a media sensation after releasing videos showing him transporting gang members he’d arrested to a new prison.  read more »


Is Gen Z Turning Against Western Civilization?


The younger generations seem increasingly crazed. A worrying proportion of the young sympathises with those who launch terror attacks against Israel, supports the immediate elimination of fossil fuels or demands the wiping out of gender distinctions.  read more »

Cop Out


On Thursday morning, I spoke to the Nebraska Rural Electric Association in Kearney. Before my speech, I chatted with my friend, Chet McWhorter, the general manager of the Cuming County Public Power District.  read more »

The West is Turning Away from COP28's Green Agenda


The UN’s COP28 climate conference has always been more political than scientific. But now more than ever, the green agenda looks to be in jeopardy.  read more »

The West Cannot Accept Gazan Refugees


The stunning victory of anti-Muslim Dutch politician Geert Wilders suggests that the notion of a proposed “Muslim ban”, tamping down on immigration from Islamic countries, is no longer outside the realm of political discussion.  read more »

The Jewish Civil War Over Israel


While Jews often seem clannish to outsiders, the reality is somewhat different: we have always suffered from a divisive streak of self-destructiveness. As far back as the levelling of the Temple and the expulsion from the homeland, Jewish unity has been undermined by both class divisions and theological disagreements.  read more »

Trudeau's Green Jihad Holding Canada Back


Coming from a country that may soon choose to be led by either a cognitively challenged second-rate codger or a vengeful lunatic, one would like to look north, to Canada, for some inspiration.  read more »

Xi Jinping Emerges As the Winner from San Francisco


Xi Jinping should have entered San Francisco’s Apec conference with his tail between his legs, but instead has emerged as something closer to the king of the world.  read more »