King Coal Powers On


The International Energy Agency has been consistent — and consistently wrong — about global coal demand.

In 2015, the Paris-based agency declared, "The golden age of coal in China seems to be over." That year, it predicted global coal demand would fall to 5.5 billion tons by 2020.  read more »


The Expansion of the "Citadel of Affluence"


I’ll state this right from the outset. This is not a take-down. I’m expressing a point of view that differs from conventional urbanism wisdom.  read more »

Transit Carries 77% of Pre-Covid Riders in October


The nation’s public transit systems carried 77.3 percent as many riders in October 2024 as in the same month of 2019  read more »

The American University is Rotting From Within


The Western world has many enemies – China, Russia, Iran, North Korea – but none is more potentially lethal than its own education system.  read more »

The Aging States of America


The United States is experiencing rapid growth in its older population, a triumphant result of long-term investments in health and medicine.  read more »

Democrat Resistance to Mass Deportations Could Push the US to a Civil War


If something approaching civil war occurs in the US, as many Americans now believe, the most immediate cause may be President Trump’s move to deport huge numbers of people  read more »

China Runs the Table


On Monday, the Biden administration issued new restrictions on the export of key semiconductor equipment and software to China.  read more »


Jews Are Discovering That Canada's Multicultural Utopia Isn't Safe


In the many summers my family spent in Quebec, at the farm owned by my wife’s uncle Morris and his wife Louise, I could see Canada in its best light.  read more »

More on the Housing Crisis/Auto Industry Analogy


The strangest thing happened to me over the last few days. I stumbled on an analogy that I hadn’t considered as particularly relevant, but now discovering how relevant it really is.  read more »

The Return of Realpolitik


If the election of Donald Trump means anything, it marks the end of the liberal world order and its replacement by grim realpolitik  read more »
