
Conversations with Dr. Pali Lehola


Dr Pali Lehohla is the director of the Economic Modelling Academy, a Professor of Practice at the University of Johannesburg, a Research Associate at Oxford University, a board member of Institute for Economic Justice at Wits and a distinguished Alumni of the University of Ghana. He is the former Statistician-General of South Africa.  read more »

Secession Is a Threat Californians Should Take Seriously


At the height of the anti-Trump hysteria after 2016, Democrats in California talked often about “Calexit”, which would allow the Golden State to secede and, no doubt, form an ideal Ecotopia of its own.  read more »

Housing Report: Blame Ourselves, Not Our Stars


No issue plagues Californians more than the high cost of housing. By almost every metric—from rents to home prices—Golden State residents suffer the highest burden for shelter of any state in the continental U.S.  read more »

The Greatest Generational Conflict of All


Ever since the phrase “the generation gap” was minted — by a headline writer at Look during the youth rebellion of the Sixties — trouble has been brewing. Today, there are two generational conflicts in play around the world  read more »

Democracy Does Not Die With Dispersion


With the COVID-19 pandemic declared over, a significant question for politicians, planners, and pundits alike is what to do with city centers and old urban cores after the pandemic pushed many Americans to move away from dense urban areas.  read more »

Cities of the West: An American Success Story, Part 2


Part one of this essay showed how the political tradition of Alexander Hamilton, Henry Clay, and Abraham Lincoln gave rise to the successful spread of American civilization  read more »

Why Africa is Turning Its Back on the Eco-obsessed West


The Western democracies appear united in their support for Ukraine, but they may also be losing the bigger, more consequential battle for the loyalties of the developing world.  read more »

Population Falls in 18 States


Between 2021 and 2022, the populations of California, Illinois, and New York all declined by more than 100,000 people, according to estimates released a few weeks ago by the Census Bureau.  read more »


The Once Lucky Country: Can It Be Again?


An introduction to this newly released report on demographics and economic mobility in Australia, prepared in collaboration with the Institute of Public Affairs, is  read more »

Demographic Dividend: Which Countries Are Next?


The population of India will have surpassed that of China by the end of this year, with each country counting 1.43 to 1.45 billion people.  read more »
