
The New Great Game


The Western response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine is widely seen as a sign of a reinvigorated alliance of democracies against authoritarianism.  read more »

Beyond Davos


Few annual events produce more paranoid commentary than the World Economic Forum’s recently completed Davos conference.  read more »

France Bans Rail Competitors


Supposedly, European high-speed trains are so successful that the airlines stop operating when new high-speed rail corridors open. The reality is much more dismal  read more »

The New Global Class War


In The Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels warned that the ‘spectre’ of class war loomed over a rapidly industrialising capitalist world. Today, the neoliberal world is increasingly haunted by a similar spectre, this time of a global class conflict.  read more »

Europe is Increasingly One Connected Knowledge Economy


Currently, Europe going through difficult times, with war raging, inflation, and a recent global pandemic. However, we are also witnessing a significant shift in economic development within Europe, which allows for a greater understanding of how the economic map will evolve during the next global growth phase. The knowledge jobs are growing largely in the South and East  read more »

Vienna's History Lesson for American Cities: Embrace Instead of Erase


There’s a museum dedicated to Esperanto in Vienna—an archive and testament to one of the more ambitious movements to enter the world’s consciousness in recent centuries.  read more »

Europe Struggles to Catch Up to China and the US in Entrepreneurship


Together with the USA and China, Europe is one of the three leading global economies. Yet, while Europe has a significantly larger population than the US, it is behind in economic production, and even more so in terms of highly successful entrepreneurship.  read more »

The Unexpected Future


We are entering an unanticipated reality—an era of slow population growth and, increasingly, demographic decline that will shape our future in profound and unpredictable ways.  read more »

Population and Fertility to 2100: 10 Largest Nations


The recently released United Nations World Population Prospects: 2022 forecasts a future with fewer people in 2100 than there were in 2000.  read more »

Free Trade's Heavy Cost


Free trade and open markets are great ideals. These principles, over the last few centuries, but especially since World War II, have created tremendous wealth, particularly in the developing world. But free markets were made for human society, not the other way around.  read more »