
Transit Carried 74.9% of 2019 Riders in November


America’s transit systems carried nearly 75 percent as many riders in November 2023 as the same month in 2019, according to data released on Friday by the Federal Transit Administration.  read more »

The Cost of Opportunity Cost Blindness to Riders and Taxpayers


New research by Yadi Wang and David Levinson at the University of Sydney (Australia) casts considerable doubt on the outcomes of major transit projects in the United States  read more »

Whatever Works


Sometimes a story takes a number of years to ripen. And sometimes two or three stories merge in unexpected ways. I just had a moment of convergence when new infill development, sub rosa adaptation, and wartime migration all collided.  read more »

Silicon Valley Transit Plan


The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) and its predecessors serving San Jose and Silicon Valley have spent more than $7 billion (in today’s dollars) on rail transit.  read more »

The West Has Been the Real Loser at COP28


As the COP 28 climate shindig comes to a merciful end, history is truly unfolding, as Marx once remarked, as farce.  read more »

Will Reducing Parking Save the Planet?


As stated previously, I can’t take climate change seriously as long as people keep putting forward their wacko ideas  read more »

No Amount of Money is Too Much


Is there any transit construction project that is so expensive that a transit agency will say, “Let’s not do this”? The Antiplanner has argued that the answer is “no”  read more »

The Work from Home Revolution: Data and Policy Implications


The rise of remote and hybrid work has brought about a significant shift in how people access employment opportunities, reducing the need for physical commuting. This article examines the latest data  read more »

HSR: An Idea Whose Time Has Gone


The Mineta Institute — named after a San Jose congressman who was Secretary of Transportation in 2001 through 2006 — has a new report claiming that high-speed rail will produce huge economic and environmental benefits.  read more »